
This year marks the first graduating cohort of Part 1 Architecture at Suffolk. Our Graduate Theses Projects are underpinned by an umbrella brief that urges poignant questions of place making, wellbeing, ecology and critical practice in Architecture on the local and global scale. Each graduating student presents an ethos statement and critical positioning in the profession complemented by design propositions and technical explorations of future architectures that demand our attention and expect a response. Such critical practice of wider social and environmental considerations is prepared via agency and cultural evolution in and out of the studio. It is underpinned by strong research methodologies and urbanity interrogations in the previous year and by investigative creativities and spatial explorations in the year before.


Dr Liana Psarologaki, Course Leader BA (Hons) Architecture

course details

Student Portfolios

Current students

The Course Team would like to warmly thank our supporters, collaborators and partners:

Ipswich Borough Council, SPILL, Place Profile, Suffolk Sustainability Institute and the Timber Research and Development Association.

 Thank you to our studio tutors, visiting practitioners, mentors, graduate employers and their practices:

atelier-bill, bcr-Infinity, EDRM, Ganguly Architects, Hutchinson and Partners, KLH, modece, Mole, Kirkham-Sheidow, Paul Vonberg Architects and Studio Manifest.

Our special thanks go to our local chapter of the Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA Suffolk.