A grid of 12 images featuring single use disposable masks

Beth Jaggard

“two and seven” is an exploration and study of the Suffolk riverways and more specifically the River Gipping. The images present a meditative walk that was repeated almost every day throughout the winter lockdown. At the beginning the images were more of a second thought, quick snaps while I was walking the dog along the river each day, but it soon became peaceful, while taking these images I could switch off and think nothing more than what the image would be and how it would look. The name “two and seven” came coincidentally, all the walks that I did during the project I tracked, including the length, location and time. While researching the River Gipping, I found it was 27km long, and overall, I walked 72 miles over 27 hours so the repetitiveness of the 2 and 7 brought me back to the repetitive nature of the walks.